Future Care Lab in Japan is your one-stop provider for everything
from basic planning to development, testing, and on-site verification.
We’ve worked hand-in-hand with our partners from the initial planning stages,
jumped in at the development and testing stage, or offered support only
during the final on-site verification process.
How we get involved is completely up to you.
The Lab offers a variety of collaborative approaches involving everything
from basic planning and development/testing to on-site verification.
Choose the one that’s right for your project.
Approach #1
With full collaboration, we jump in at the basic planning stage and carry our partners through development and on-site verification.
We may also sign business partnership agreements and engage in joint development projects.
Note: Each project is different, with the Lab involved in different ways.
Case Example
Joint Development
Data-Sharing System Platform
Care Data Connect
for Future Care Lab in Japan
(during development)
Approach #2
With this approach, the Lab primarily conducts on-site verification. We may also participate in earlier stages of development (such as prototyping), or stick with our partners through final rollout.
Note: Each project is different, with the Lab involved in different ways.
Approach #3
With these projects, the Lab joins once development is complete,
getting involved once on-site verification starts. We may also stay partnered through final rollout.
Note: Each project is different, with the Lab involved in different ways.
We’re looking for technologies that will help automate recordkeeping tasks at senior care facilities.
Example #1
Automatic measuring and tracking of weight, blood pressure,
body temperature, and other vital statistics
Example #2
Automated recordkeeping of food and beverage intake
We’re looking for technologies that will make bathing assistance easier and more efficient.
Example #1
Sensors that detect movement while seniors are bathing and reliably send notifications if movement stops for a set length of time
Example #2
Mechanisms for eliminating (or shortening) bathing preparation tasks, such as filling and tub cleaning
We’re looking for technologies that will make elimination assistance easier and more efficient.
Example #1
Mechanisms for automatically tracking daily elimination time
Example #2
Mechanisms that help seniors requiring heavy assistance get from their beds to the toilet and eliminate on their own